Saturday, May 28, 2016

Converting Pdf To excel

Let's say you have a pdf full of numbers like my bursa EOD data. You need it to be in excel format so you can do calculations and statistic reports and etc. So what should you do? Copy everything from pdf into excel by either copy and paste or typing manually again? Hmmmm.......Takes a lot of time does it? No worries I found a way to do just that without downloading any software. If you wanna use software by all means go ahead but some illegal ones has virus or malware or NOTI NOTI bad bad stuff that makes your computers go haywire and some legal ones you will need to pay for its full capabilities. I found one which allows me to convert my long pdf files to excel via online. I have searched and tried a few of those online conversions. Some need you to enter your email address for them to convert and tells you that they will need 24 hours to convert. YIKES....some just convert half of the page and ask you to pay their monthly subscription fees. Cheap skate or poor people like me :( can't pay so I found a free online converter which is amazing.

Online PDF to Excel Converter

It allows you to drop and drag your PDF file and then it will convert it and allows you to download the converted excel file. Simple and it is done fast. No need to click convert and go get a cup of coffee while waiting. However, the website only allows you to convert 2 PDF files and then ask you to wait for one hour before converting another two......But no worries I found a way to go around it...So let me guide you on how to use the website and how to go around the 1 hour waiting time....

This is how the website look like.

There are 2 ways to insert your PDF files into the converter. You can either :-

  1. Open your window explorer and drag your PDF file into the area shown by the arrow in the picture shown or
  2. Click the image "Drop PDF here" and a window will pop up for you to choose your file.
This is the PDF file I wish to convert.

Once you choose your file, it will upload it into their server and then convert it. You just need to wait for less than a minute.

Once done you will see a download file button.  Click this and it will download the excel file for you. Simple as that.

See how the converted excel file looks like. Beautiful huh? It divides your PDF pages into sheets in excel.

Now, after you converted two files it will give you a message saying that you will have to wait for one hour before you can start converting again. WAIT????

Don't worry my impatient friends, let me teach you how to go around it.  We will clear our browser's cookies. For those who does not want to clear cookies, then you will need to wait for one hour.

I am using Google Chrome browser so my steps are different from other browsers.

Step 1 : Go to Settings.

Step 2: Scroll down and Click on "Show Advanced Settings" and more settings will appear

Step 3: Scroll down till you find "Privacy" setting and you will see a "Clear Browsing Data..." button. Click the button.

Step 4: You will see a few options there for you to choose, make sure the option "Cookies and other site and plugin data" is selected and then click "Clear Browsing Data" button.

Once you have done that, the converter website will automatically it refresh itself allowing you to convert again. Ta DA...... :)


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Emma's Art On "To this Day" Project

Born on 24th September 2003, Emma was a cute, funny, energetic child when she was young. Not knowing and naive towards life. At kindergarten, she loved school and always wanting to go there because she has lots of friends who were playing with her and kind to her. All of them young and still naive NOT knowing the meaning of Comparison, Negative words, Judgement and Bullying. All of them innocent.....But...things changed when Emma started primary school. She was called names like "Burger" or "AhMA" (in hokkien meaning grandmother) or winnie the pooh. She started to dislike school. I remembered the very first time I saw her crying in the car when I picked her up from school. I asked her what's wrong, she said a few boys called her names and everyone thought it was funny and started to call her names too. She became withdrawn and sad. Her attitude changed, she started to make friends online and told me she has more friends online than in the outside world. I worried, I had fear when she started to ask me the meaning of depression and how to deal with it. I knew I had to do something the next day when she told me she has a dark shadow figure in her room that looks like her but without a face. I prayed to God for help and then a "whisper" said in my mind, "Bring her to a youth group. Let her make new friends older teenager friends that understand her"....That is exactly what I did and I talked to her, listen to her and gave her motivation.

Now, she is 13 studying form one and I can say that she is happier. Yes, she still hates studying because it is too hard but she is happier. I even send her to my best friend's restaurant to help out as a waitress during school holidays and every Saturday. Now she is more grown up, wiser (can even tell me that guys on the internet are chicky and wants girls boobs or naked photo and she told me is a NO NO), she found her drawing talent and she loves it, more independent and she is AGAINST School bullying. She always defend her girl friends when the boys started to bully them. She is also stronger so she can defend...following her mother ha ha...just kidding...I thank God everyday for helping her...

School bullying is not a simple matter. I have heard so many news and youtube about bullying. Now with technologies, they can even post in youtube to shame innocent people or write facebook posts about how ugly they are or send text messages to tell them to DIE because they are USELESS. It does not only happened to children, teenagers but also to adults. But for innocent children or teenagers to go through all those is just heartbreaking. Amanda Todd was one of them. She killed herself at the age of 15 because of all this bullying...both school and cyber. You can google it to read her stories. There are more kids out there who are like Amanda Todd and it is not easy for the parents as well. Yes we can tell our kids to SUCK IT UP and Deal with it but It is not as simple as that. So, if one day your child comes up to you and tell you stuff about school, listen and try to get what they say because most of the time, some wont tell you. They might hint a bit here and there. But you can sense them when you talk and listen to them. Not many kids can stand up and be strong and do something about them being bullied. They hide it all to themselves, enduring the pain and slowly dying inside until one day they won't be able to get up anymore.

I know how it felt to be called names."UGLY", "PIG", "A PUI", "NO ONE WILL EVERY MARRY YOU" were some remarks given to me when I was young. I cried, I was sad...then I thought, why don't I be a bit more aggressive since I am "BIG and FAT" to stop them from bullying me. ha ha...was when I threw steppler at boys when they pulled my hair, hit them with a ruler when they try to disturb any of my friends...I was rough, tough and loud but I was hurt inside. No one understand what I am going through. I can't tell my parents...That is how bullying does to some one. One day Emma came up to me and showed me a beautiful art drawing of hers. I thought it was one of her normal art or anime drawing but when I looked closer, she drew something different. She drew this...

She saw a very beautiful crafted video in youtube

To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan

Take your time to watch this video. Let your kids watch it. They are NOT Alone.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I know I know...another blog...BUT WAIT...

I know I know. I have way too many blogs and Never sticking to one. Well, here I am created another one. Ha ha..So what am I going to blog about in this blog? Anything I feel like it. No specific and targeted posts. It can be a website review, how to remove TENCENT chinese virus, food and cafe review, life hacks like how to use baking soda to clean my face, metastock EOD data, and etc.

So let's start blogging. Today, I am going to write about a website that I love to use.

Youtube to MP3

I know you all love youtubes and love one of those songs and you wanna keep it in your ipod or phones. Let me introduce to you

This is how the website looks like. Simple and easy to use.

Just a few simple steps. Go to your youtube channel and copy the link of the video you love. Then go to and paste the link (picture shown below). Click Convert and then Click Download. Simple as that.

There is also a website that allows you to download the youtube movies to mp4 or other format. Simple to use also. Copy youtube channel link and then click Download mp4, choose format and then done..

Not all youtubes can be converted to mp3 or mp4 though...
Have fun trying